Frequently Asked questions
We do our best to gather some right-to-know information for you.
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Why Explainer video is so important?
Animated explainer videos are the best way to explain your business story in a short video, there will be a lot of options for you just like inspiring them with extraordinary cartoons, making their unusual activity and that’s it! then welcome the massive traffic to your business store, no matter whether it is online or on-site.
Are explainer videos so expensive?
Nope! it can cost you as much as you buy a new mobile phone, now, you might think there are a lot of expensive mobile phones over there! and how do I know what mobile phone you are looking for? so that’s the point I tried to say, it all depends on your needs, your video cost will be exactly equal to your needs, let’s discuss your video requirements and we will quote a reasonable price? Contact us now.
What video duration is good enough to grab the customers?
You better know your targeted customer, so certainly, you know how much duration they can watch, but professionals say 60-90 seconds are good enough to explain your business, the less duration will result in more engagement.
Can I get the complete rights of the video?
Absolutely yes, you paid for it, so the complete video is your sole property, as we produced that video we will request you to publish your video in our portfolio but will mention all your rights there, this is just for other buyers to get inspiration and see our work.
What I need to get started?
Sit back and take a sip of coffee, you don’t need to worry about anything, we will handle all things, initially, we will need a few things like below:
- What is your business?
- What do you want to explain in the video?
- What is your idea for visuals or animation?
How much time the video will take to finish?
We work hard to deliver quality video within the timeframe that’s why we take 14 working days to accomplish a 60 seconds video, if there is any revision needed we will take 3 days (or less depending on how much work is needed) to bring final video on your table.
How many revisions I will have?
You are completely flexible with changes, you will be able to ask for 3 times revisions in each script, storyboard, and animation, which allows you to tailor the service according to your need.
Can I ask to complete video within a week?
Absolutely yes! But please keep in mind; speed up will also cause increasing your budget, a creative video takes time and the team will work for you 3x faster because there are a lot of things to do, so it would be good not to rush the process where possible, but in some cases, you don’t have any choice so we always welcome you and will set up a specific timeframe for deliveries, and the agreement will take effect and both will commit to the task. Sometimes revision rounds can be less and feedback is expected within 24 hours. Let’s arrange a chat and discuss further over it, please contact us
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Which Points Are Important to Create Explainer Videos?
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