Graphite Work Animated Explainer video - High quality Logo design

Lottie & Animated Gifs

Explore Graphite Work’s innovative Lottie animations,

which are engaging, interactive, and trigger on mouseover. Elevate your digital experience with these dynamic animations.

Additionally, Animated GIFs allow you to showcase looped animations

without requiring hover interaction.


Discover our portfolio of unique animations today!

What are the Lottie Animations?

Lottie animations are lightweight, high-quality animations created using the Lottie framework. They utilize JSON files containing vector-based animation data, which can be easily integrated into websites and apps. They enhance user experience by providing engaging, interactive visuals that load quickly, making them particularly useful for adding delightful and responsive animations to user interfaces without compromising on speed or compatibility. 

Lottie is supported by various platforms!

If you are developing your website within WordPress then it’s perfect for you! 

Our created Lottie Animations!

*Please hover over the mouse to see the animations!

Do you need Lottie animations for your website or app? Contact us now!

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